When we left the house on Thursday night 7/15/10 to say our goodbyes to GG Kaidin made this picture for his beloved GG. Kaidin adored his GG so much. Every morning we talk to Grandma Stein (Yep, every morning) and every phone call he asks his grandma “how is GG today?”, “what did GG eat for breakfast?”. He is the sweetest boy and always has his GG on his mind. It has been very hard on us to tell him that she has now gone to heaven. In fact, it’s Thursday and we still have not told him. We have been telling him for weeks that she is very sick and in the hospital and he has begged to see her. We wanted him to have happy thoughts of his GG not the thoughts of her and how she was her last few weeks here with us. Were going to talk to him tomorrow and both of us are dreading it. We miss her so much. I can’t believe she is gone. BUT we are so happy that she is in heaven resting peacefully. When we were leaving he told me to please have GG sign the photo so that he knew I showed it to her. He even made me show him my pen in my purse! We LOVE you GG and not a days goes by we don’t think of you. Here is your last picture from Kaidin, you were unable to see it that night but it is beautiful just like you!
1 week ago
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